Monday, October 24, 2011

Well anyone that knows me can confirm I am all over the board with my interests and activities. I'm still making competition suits and LOVING every moment of it. I also am doing posing coaching, stage make-up and working part time in the ER. Needless to say I never have a chance to get board.

Over the last year Tim and I have made some major changes to our lifestyle. We are working hard on living a frugal lifestyle while still enjoying life to the fullest!! Rather than training and diet (which I will still mention from time to time) I and going to shift gears with this blog and start sharing some of my money saving secrets, home decor projects etc etc. Like the title mentions it will be Daily Happenings by Jen. That means today couponing; tomorrow who knows.

Today really is my couponing day. I've already been to Kroger and Publix (they are only 3 miles apart). I managed to stock up on some staple items we were beginning to run low on. No record breaking deals so far today but I definitely saved a great deal on our groceries. Well I'm heading out to finish up my shopping. Who knows maybe when I return I will share photos of my finds for the day :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Well I know I said I would not be focusing on diet/training but that is the subject of the day. I woke up motivated and ready to start back. I had lunch at Tim's and informed him we are starting the diet tomorrow so we blew it out today. I had a club and banana pudding for lunch then we went to LaParilla for dinner. After dinner we headed to the grocery store to stock up on healthy food. I am ready. It is time to shed my winter poundage!! It is so much easier when we do this together. I think that is key having someone help keep you motivated too I am so competitive I can not let him do a better job w/his diet than

Other than that it was a pretty uneventful day around here.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 New Year...New Goals!!

I can't believe it has been over a year since I've updated my blog...Wow!! A lot has happened since then. I finally did compete in May 2010 at the Eastern Seaboard and won my class, placed 2nd in Masters. This qualified me for nationals. In July we headed to Vegas where I competed in the USA...a huge national show ( I placed 16th out of 35 in my class). Then I ended the season in Aug. when I competed in the Coastal here in Atlanta (I placed 2nd in my class and 2nd in masters). I've decided I will not compete this year. I have other things I want to focus on...mainly my family! I plan to continue working out and eating "right" just not compete this year. I will also still be very involved in the sport and of course I will be making suits :)!

Moving forward with this blog I will include more of my day to day life and there will be less emphasis on my training/dieting/competing. I do soooo much more than just I will show projects I am working on whether it be sewing projects, suits, home dec, scrapbooking, cards, photos, etc. etc. I'm multi-facited and want to share more of that with you.

I am looking forward to what 2011 will bring. I have a feeling there will be a lot of new adventures!! Happy New Year everyone!!